My Advice For Someone Starting A New Job

Filed in Articles by on July 4, 2023 0 Comments

Starting a new job can be such a hard task because for some people it means being the newbie in a new place with strangers whom they’re supposed to work with, and working with strangers well isn’t such a sweet thing for some people.

On the other hand, starting a new job could mean delight for others like learning something new and meeting new people, whichever is yours, we have great tips and advice if you’re starting a new job.

Also, if you’re starting a sole proprietorship job where you are the manager and the worker, then you must set some things in place that will make working easy.

However, think about it, how hard can it be, I think starting a new job can be just as fun as you make it. Let’s go over this so I can offer you a piece of my mind on how to make your new job just as fascinating as your old job or even more.

1. Let’s Start With Starting Your First Day

Before your first day at work, have a good sleep, you might want to pick out what you want to wear on the first day and get everything else ready for your first day. Your choice of clothes on your first day at work says a lot about you to everyone meeting you for the first time.

If you’ll be working remotely, then you must determine what you’ll need to work comfortably at home, like will you need a computer, a microphone etcetera? If you think you will need it, then get everything ready.

2. Put Away Distractions

If you’re going to be working remotely, then you should try as much as you can to put away distractions such as your phone, movies, or noise if you really must get your work done. If you’re starting a new job where you’ll work amongst other people, then you should know your boundaries, know the time to say hello to colleagues, and when to actually get down to work.

3. Ask Intelligent Questions

Working in the midst of people can be a little overwhelming especially if you’re trying to get people to talk to you, or get yourself acclimatized to the environment and the people. It is imperative to not only ask questions, but to ask intelligent questions, and only when needed. So, try not to make a clown of yourself out there by asking dumb questions simply because you want to make yourself visible.

4. Work On Your Habits

You know the habits that didn’t quite help you achieve your goals back then, so your new job should help you work on your habits such as time management, procrastination, the urge to learn new things, and explore the parts of your talents you’ve never really considered working on. Habits that need refining should be refined, and those that should be discarded before they ruin things for you.

5. There’s So Much To Learn

Make use of the resources at your disposal to learn, relearn, and grow. There’s never a stage where anyone has grown so much that they have no need for growth or knowledge, everyone still needs growth, and a new job could help you learn and grow.

6. Think Career Development

To make this easier, you could divide your career development plans into long-term and short-term goals. Short-term goals should be those things you can easily achieve in a few weeks or months such as taking a short course on Coursera, while long-term goals should be attaining a new height in your career

7. Share Your Ideas

The good thing about starting a new job is the fact that you get to bask in new ideas, you could connect with minds like you, and get new ideas about your new job. You could create a community where you share your ideas, or connect on social media for ideas from other talented experts who are well versed than you are.

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